Maria J. arias

SR. Product designer

With years of experience in the industry, I have worked with businesses of all sizes.
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Since 2020
My goal is to create designs that convey that unique essence and engage users with one-of-a-kind experiences through digital media.
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I have worked with businesses of all sizes to create stunning websites and designs that capture their brand's identity.
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My Service
UI Design
Crafting distinctive and intuitive interfaces with development-oriented models to elevate user interaction.
UX Design
My approach involves extensive research and the application of methodologies to enhance user experiences. I focus on captivating users and fostering a strong connection with the product.
Product Design
With a keen understanding of business needs and user challenges, I design products that address both aspects. My commitment is to optimize design and user experience to drive business performance.
Maria José is one of the best researcher that I've ever known, I had the fortune to have her in my team, and she did all the tasks that were assigned to her exceeding expectations, she's very responsable and very logic and she always came whit new ideas to improve the work for all the team. I'm really glad to had the opportunity to work with her.
Karla Cruz Ruíz
Blue Pixel
During the time that I worked with María, she always had an excellent attitude towards challenges, she showed great initiative, mastery of technologies and a great work ethic. I consider that she is a great designer and professional.
David Marabay
Castor App
I highly recommend her to anyone looking for a creative freelancer who can provide comprehensive services tailored specifically to their needs!
Molly Wilson
She provided an incredible package of web design and development services that helped us increase our digital presence by 50%.
Karla Gordon